

中心服务 is able to process packages shipped by 美国邮政总局, 联合包裹 and FedEx allowing 你可以通过这些快递员发送和接收.  我们可以接受寄出的包裹 for these shippers that have a pre-paid shipping label but can also process shipping 处理外发包裹,并将费用记入部门帐号.  对于学生,我们可以 accept packages with pre-paid shipping labels but can also process packages for outgoing shipping and you can pay the cost of shipping with your credit/debit card (if $5 or 用现金支付.  我们不接受WC身份证付款.
我们可以做到 “最” 国际出口货物.
For outgoing packages the sender is responsible for having the package ready to ship.  中央服务不提供包装(盒子等).)和胶带.  你必须提供 你自己的包装(盒子等).)和胶带,用于你打算运送的外运包裹.  We do have some shipping supplies such as bubble mailers for sending items for sale 在前台.  
We can不 accept outgoing 联合包裹 packages for which you have a scan code.  这些物品 must be taken to the 联合包裹 store across the street from the college at 503 Washington 大道.
If you have a prepaid label on your outgoing package with one of these carriers, just drop it off at 中心服务 during business hours and we will get it to the carrier.   美国邮政总局, FedEx Ground and 美国邮政总局 all pickup from this 位置 Monday through Friday.
所有外发包裹 没有 a pre-paid label "must" be accompanied by the following outgoing package form:


All packages shipped via 联合包裹 or FedEx Ground must be dropped off in person no later 比下面指定的时间. 
您希望邮寄的包裹 美国邮政总局 必须不迟于上午9点在中央服务部收到.m. 每天都要出去 天发货.  Items received after this deadline will go out with the next business 天发货.
您希望邮寄的包裹 联合包裹和联邦快递地面服务 must be received in 中心服务 no later that 9:00 am 每天都要出去 天发货.  Items received after this deadline will go out with the next business 天发货.
Items you wish to go out via FedEX Express for next day delivery must be dropped off 转至中央服务 不迟于上午10点 Monday through Friday in order to meet the FedEX Express deadline for next day services.
***We are unable to ship anything with a battery (ex:  laptop, ipad, etc.)到国际 位置.  这是海关禁止的.


中心服务 can provide the following services that are offered via the United 美国邮政服务:
  • 媒体邮件
    媒体邮件 is an economical way to send books, film, manuscripts, and digitally readable 像dvd和cd这样的材料,只要它们是 商业邮件. 请询问媒体邮件时,航运这些项目,以便 我们可以提供这种节省成本的服务.
  • 挂号信
    这为您提供了邮寄收据. 交货记录保存在 收件人的邮局,为期两年.  退货收据,为您提供送货证明 可以额外收费吗. 挂号邮件服务只适用于 适用于第一类邮件. 不提供保险. 编号标签和 completed “Return Receipt” must be filed and affixed to each letter. 标签和返回 收据可向中央服务处索取.
  • 国际邮件
    Except for certain restrictions, most items can be mailed/shipped  to foreign countries. Please contact 中心服务 to determine specific classification and required 文档. If customs regulations are 不 followed and 文档 is 不 proper, items may be impounded by foreign customs or returned and additional costs incurred 重新邮寄或运送. 国内外海关规定不提供特别优惠 对任何特定快递员的优惠. 因此,无论使用何种载体,您都必须 遵守当地海关法规.
    For letter-sized items, use the special Tyvek® Red/Blue-bordered envelopes. 这将 enhance service and expedite their separation from Domestic mail during sorting by 邮件的房子. The last line of any foreign address should be the country name spelled 用英文大写字母写出来.
  • 优先邮件
    优先邮件 service should be used for First Class mail requiring expedited delivery 三天内. All First Class mail exceeding 11 ounces but 不 exceeding 70 pounds 自动视为“优先邮件?.“然而,没有最小重量限制 and at the option of the mailer, any mail weighing less than 11 ounces can also be 按优先邮件处理. 优先邮件通常在两至三个小时内送达 工作日,但这不是一个保证的服务. 
  • 一流的邮件
    The following are considered First Class matter and must carry postage at First Class 或者优先邮件率.
    • Matter wholly or partially handwritten or type-written (including identical copies prepared by automatic typewriter), originals or carbons, invoices (except when accompanying 他们所涉及的事情),明信片,明信片
    • 邮政检查时封印的物品
    • 帐单及报表
    • 收费项目或价格的表格
    • Blank printed forms filled out in writing, including canceled or un-canceled checks
    A computer printout may or may 不 be determined for First Class mail depending upon 它的内容. 请联系中央服务部了解更多信息.
  • 特快专递
    This is an extremely reliable and fast delivery service from the 美国邮政总局. 这个服务 可在美国所有主要地区使用.S. 84个国家. 特快专递 provides for shipment of letters, documents, and other mailable items, and carries 文件重建保险,不额外收费. 你最多可以邮寄70磅. 这个服务 offers next-day domestic delivery six days a week at no extra charge 在大多数地区,有些可能需要2天.
    Express mail offers a variety of other service options to meet your mailing needs. 选项有:
    • 派递至邮政信箱
    • 特快专递国际服务
    Mail requiring this service must be delivered 转至中央服务 by 3:00 pm to make 第二天的邮件提货. 每件作品都必须附有适当的请求说明.
    美国邮政保证国内隔夜送达.S. 邮政服务及提供 for a full refund of postage amount if the mail is 不 delivered as scheduled. 国际 交货时间可能因目的地国家而异. 由于缺乏邮政服务 control over international situations and foreign delivery systems, no guaranty or 学费可退还.


We presently offer Ground, Second-Day Air, and Next Day letter and package service 通过联合包裹. Transactions are on cash and credit card basis only or they may be charged 转到部门账户. 寄件人必须填写外发包裹表格 在发送时发给中央服务人员. 接受截止时间 联合包裹当天的邮件是下午两点寄出的. 这项服务最适合寄包裹 最高可达100美元.00英镑的保险,不另收费. 此服务提供 sender with a tracking number for convenient tracking of delivery time.
Packages with a PO Box address can "不" be sent via 联合包裹, but must go via 美国邮政总局


Federal Express offers overnight and two day letter package service. 截止时间 for accepting Fedex Express packages to go out same day is 10:00 am. 东西收到了 过了那个时间就会在下一个工作日出去. 如果我们处理联邦快递包裹之后 the pick-up time, it is the responsibility of the department of mailing to take the package to FedEx box downtown if they require the package to go out that day by 4:30 pm. 这项服务最适合隔夜信件服务. 此服务提供 the sender with a tracking number for easy tracking of delivery date and time.
Packages with a PO Box address can "不" be sent via FedEx, but must go via 美国邮政总局

We can "不" charge outgoing shipping to a不her 联合包裹 or 美国邮政总局 shipper account (third 方/接收器计费).  我们只能为联邦快递这样做.


If you would like to know more about shipping packages or courier services, please 联络中央服务部:  (电子邮件保护)